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Thread: HELP - Bad injection....I think.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    HELP - Bad injection....I think.

    So i just pinned myself for on week 5 of my cycle (1m test/1ml Mast/1mil Primo). I used a 23g and I always pin my glutes. I do it myself so I have to reach around and look in the mirror and I always aspirate. I have very low body fat and I generally get some blood dribble out of each injection (some times more than others) Any way when I pinned this time it was very hard going in, had to really apply pressure on the plunger, felt much harder than normal. When I withdrew the pin i expected some blood dribble but the blood actually spurted out of my glute a good few centimeters and kept coming until I wacked a swab on top of it, it looked as though a vein was spewing blood out of my glute (no blood when I aspirated). Have I meesed this up big time? Has this happened to any one else before? and was the gear wasted? I'm packing it right now, cause I am starting to get a warm feeling in the area I injected. HELP!

  2. #2
    I'll give this a bump. You definitely hit a vein on the way in but if you aspirated and were ok I think you'll be fine. Wait for someone more experienced to answer though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well sounds like you nicked a vein.But you asperated.So you will be fine.That same act cost me a new down comforter for my wife.I shot blood all over her new white one.Sucks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Savannah GA
    Dont panic ! it happens, keep A eye it as long as you did everything clean you should be fine. I pin my Quads (lateral) works great for me . i dont care for the glutes. let some of the vets chime in.. good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks guys, packing it cause I always bleed just not like that. Always use the alcohol swabs and asiparte so I think I'll be clear on the infection front. Been a few hours now its starting to get a bit sore (like a cork) but nothing to bad and no lumps. Is the gear wasted from that injection?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    sounds like your building up scare tissue might consider using more injection sites. i also agree with the above, sounds like you nicked a vein on withdraw. i don't think any gear was wasted.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    sounds like your building up scare tissue might consider using more injection sites. i also agree with the above, sounds like you nicked a vein on withdraw. i don't think any gear was wasted.
    Thanks mate. I've been thinking about including quad injections cause it would be much easier to do as opposed to glutes on my own. How can I tell if I'm building up scar tissue?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    it becomes difficult to push the pin in. also if you blunt your needle before injecting it will be difficult to break the skin. are you drawing fron amps or viall with a rubber stopper?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    it becomes difficult to push the pin in. also if you blunt your needle before injecting it will be difficult to break the skin. are you drawing fron amps or viall with a rubber stopper?
    Its not difficult to push the plunger all the time just on the odd occassion. I use Vial with rubber stopper. I use two needles each time I inject, one to draw up and then replace with another to shoot. (Seems cleaner and safer to me)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if you inject into scare tissue which basicly is dense it will be difficult to push the plunger. think of it as trying to inject into a block of cheese os opposed to a sponge.

  11. #11
    Definately scar tissue. There are portions of my Delts that I can't touch with a needle anymore... I'll push as hard as I can and the plunger won't budge. As far as the blood squirting out, yes, you knicked a vein. You clearly didn't inject into said vein, as you didn't feel like death for a half hour afterwards. The gear was not wasted, don't worry.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks for the help guys - Its been a few days and no issues. I'm researching the quad injections, i'm just worried about the pain factor as I literally have no BF on my quads. When i get the BF test they cant even apply the calipers to my quads properly as they can only grab skin. Any advice? Would it be better to drop from a 23g to a 21g for the quad injection? Keeping in mind its 3ml per injection.

  13. #13
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    21g is a larger diameter needle, a 25 gauge would be a smaller diameter needle. That said a 25 is about as small as you want to go since it becomes a pain in the ass to push gear through a smaller pin. If you are using a 23 by 1.5" needle for glutes you will probably want to use a 25 by 1" for quads, also the first couple of times at least I would split the shot in half and pin both quads as 3ml is a pretty large shot for quads and not one you want to start with first time out. When I use a 25 by 1 on quads I insert the needle about 3/4" into the quad and this provides adequate penetration, this varies depending on muscle mass and fat content.

  14. #14
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    21g is a larger diameter needle, a 25 gauge would be a smaller diameter needle. That said a 25 is about as small as you want to go since it becomes a pain in the ass to push gear through a smaller pin. If you are using a 23 by 1.5" needle for glutes you will probably want to use a 25 by 1" for quads, also the first couple of times at least I would split the shot in half and pin both quads as 3ml is a pretty large shot for quads and not one you want to start with first time out. When I use a 25 by 1 on quads I insert the needle about 3/4" into the quad and this provides adequate penetration, this varies depending on muscle mass and fat content.
    Sorry mate that's what I meant a 25g not a 21g. How do you think this will work given you can see my muscle fibers through my quads (no fat layer) should I consider delts instead?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Probably should do both to prevent the scar tissue buildup in both.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thanks. I'm looking for the link on this site that I have seen before that has photos of the correct part of the quad and delt to inject but I cant find it, can some one post it in this thread please?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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