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Thread: First cycle ever! need help

  1. #1

    First cycle ever! need help

    Im 18, 6 foot. 170lbs. Ive only taken NO and creatine, simple stuff. But I was told I should start with EQ. I just got 200ML of EQ and thats it. I know I should be taken more along with it but I dont know what! So please help me out and I was told to inject twice a week, 1CC each time.

    Basically im clueless and need help! thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by fireworkz78 View Post
    Im 18 (to freaking young son, wait at least 5 more years), 6 foot. 170lbs. Ive only taken NO and creatine, simple stuff (keep it simple,keep taking creatine if you like, buy some whey protein, and eat good, you are still growing until you reach 22. But I was told I should start with EQ ( who ever told you that, IS NOT YOUR friend, first for the reasons i told you already, second EQ alone will shut you down). I just got 200ML of EQ and thats it. I know I should be taken more along with it but I dont know what! So please help me out and I was told to inject twice a week, 1CC each time. ( IF you dont have the knowledge, why would you want to inject yourself....and you have a 200ml bottle, or 1 have one bottle of 10cc, at 200mlper cc???

    Basically im clueless and need help! thank you!

    HERE is my opinion, in BOLD, and i'm sure you will get a lot more....see above

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    18. Too young. Enough said.

  4. #4
    When you say shut me down? What does that mean?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    You will have no testostone running in your body which means

    •Erectile dysfunction (problems with erections)
    •Loss of libido (low sex drive)
    •Mood disturbances, including depression, irritability and feeling tired
    •Loss of muscle size and strength
    •Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
    •Increased body fat
    •Difficulty with concentration and memory loss

    You have all the test you need at your age; also here is even more information on why you shouldn't cycle!

    Education is your ally!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jawcep View Post
    18. Too young. Enough said.
    Yeah.. thats enough... 18..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by fireworkz78 View Post
    When you say shut me down? What does that mean?
    Research Bro... 7 more years of research, diet, hard training and then when you will be 25 then think about aas.. thats the way to go for you...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    acadiana, la
    Bro you're too young and too skinny. You have so much natural potential. Guys would kill to have your natty test levels. You did the right thing by coming here, but you need to continue to read and research. There is also a great diet forum that you can really learn from.
    Take the advice from these older guys, you don't wanna screw around with your body like that.

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