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Thread: anavar cycle questions help needed

  1. #1

    anavar cycle questions help needed

    hi guys,

    thanks for taking the time to read this post,

    i am 23 yrs old play rugby professionally for an academy and have my diet supervised for me by a nutritionalist, so i dont need help in this way.

    my weights and cardio is all mapped out for me and i have a set training schedule i have to adhere to as part of my contract with my team.

    i have done a fair bit of research lately on the effects of anavar in terms of its strength increasing properties and bf % reducing qualities.

    i am thinking of starting a cycle including anavar and winstrol.

    my cycle will consist of:

    week 1-8

    anavar 40-50mg each day
    winstrol 25mg per day

    week 9-11

    clomid 50mg each day

    i will also have nolva on hand in case of gyno probs, and will be taking milk thistle throughout to protect my liver.

    can anyone let me know if i shud take the nolva throughout my cycle and how much i should take?

    also if there are any glaring errors in my cycle can you please let me know and help me out.

    has anyone done a similar cycle and had some good results in 8 weeks

    any suggestions on this cycle would be useful.

    also is it possible to use ephedrine whilst using anavar and winstrol together?

    not keen on injecting just yet so no comments like your not ready to do steroids if you cant take a needle etc.

    cheers guys

    i know you will try and help me out

  2. #2
    What are your stats?

  3. #3

    6ft 1


    17% bf

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    east coast
    Generally speaking everyone on here is going to say wait til your 25! Also the cookie will be used post cycle not during because it is for recovery. Do you not get tested for AAS in your league)

  5. #5
    The anavar is a mild steroid as AAS goes. It is liver toxic so you should look at milk thistle to augment the liver support. If you run anavar it's better to run some Test with it instead of winstol. Even low dose Test is good at about 200mg/wk to 350mg/wk. Ok, after having said all that I have to warn you that the anavar is an AAS and it will shut you down. You're 23 and your endocrine system MIGHT not be fully developed. The vets on this board are pretty adamant that 25 should be the youngest age to cycle AAS. If your endo system isn't fully developed there is a pretty good chance that you'll screw it up. Maybe for a period of time or maybe permanently. There are guys 21 on this board that can't maintain an erection during sex because they started AAS too young. My recommendation would be to error on the side of safety. Wait a couple of years before you start.

  6. #6
    with regards to testing in our league we are near the end of the season so i will not be playing any games, which means testing is non existant,

    also in conncection with anavar being a mild steroid i am not looking at bulking up and getting huge, i am looking at gaining an increased strength and losing bf%. to enhance my physique

    if i use a pct correctly i will i still suffer from erectile problems and low test prodcution?

    can i use ephedrine whilst on this cycle as well?

    other than that do you think that my cycle will help me acheive my goals?

    i am planning on using milk thistle and drinking lots of water, i dont drink so that should help as well.

    like i said im not looking at injecting just yet but will do in the future maybe 2nd cycle

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