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Thread: Libido, Steroids, Young Users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Libido, Steroids, Young Users

    After taking to a lot of my friends over the past few years, I have come to the conclusion that teenagers are just plain idiots. None of my friends actually take the libido thing seriously. I know that PCT helps get the natty test going again, but what if it is never the same again?

    In fact, one of my friends who is a 'desperate virgin' as he calls himself, says that the decrease in libido might actually be a good thing for him so that he doesn't have to fantasize about sex as much.


    So, in that regard, I was hoping that some of you can post regarding the 'importance' of libido, and some scary stories. Please?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    After taking to a lot of my friends over the past few years, I have come to the conclusion that teenagers are just plain idiots. None of my friends actually take the libido thing seriously.
    As you know, this site is not for teens.

    I know that PCT helps get the natty test going again, but what if it is never the same again?
    More accruately, PCT bridges the time of aas discontinuation til natty restoration.

    In fact, one of my friends who is a 'desperate virgin' as he calls himself, says that the decrease in libido might actually be a good thing for him so that he doesn't have to fantasize about sex as much.
    Teens shouldn't use aas.
    He's probably already familiar with the benefit of cold showers and various ways other non-coital forms of release...continue them.


    So, in that regard, I was hoping that some of you can post regarding the 'importance' of libido, and some scary stories. Please?
    There really aren't any for the informed user, every side effect is largely counterable with the proper knowledge.
    Again no offense, and I hope the above helps, but kids/teens are not allowed here. A moderator SHOULD be banning you soon.
    Last edited by magic32; 04-13-2011 at 11:07 AM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    1) I never said I was a teen. No offense but learn to read and not over react. I am 20 but that does not stop me from having 18 and 19 yr old friends, does it?

    2) Do you ever reach your previous 100% natty after a cycle?

    3) You tell me that kids should not be here, but you then go on to generalize by saying that an informed user with proper knowledge should be ok....what about a kid with proper knowledge?

    4) If I was a young 13 year old as you probably imagined, would banning me stop from hurting myself? In fact, I was actually asking for some advice on how to scare my friends. You did the total opposite. And I would simply lie about my age, as several people do, and create a new account. And if my ip address was somehow blocked, you would be doing more harm than good by not letting me ask questions.

    So, in case you misread any of that: Delete this thread if you found it dumb, but I am 20.
    Last edited by MuttonChop; 04-13-2011 at 06:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by MuttonChop View Post
    1) I never said I was a teen. No offense but learn to read and not over react. I am 20 but that does not stop me from having 18 and 19 yr old friends, does it?

    2) Do you ever reach your previous 100% natty after a cycle?

    3) You tell me that kids should not be here, but you then go on to generalize by saying that an informed user with proper knowledge should be ok....what about a kid with proper knowledge?4) If I was a young 13 year old as you probably imagined, would banning me stop from hurting myself? In fact, I was actually asking for some advice on how to scare my friends. You did the total opposite. And I would simply lie about my age, as several people do, and create a new account. And if my ip address was somehow blocked, you would be doing more harm than good by not letting me ask questions.

    So, in case you misread any of that: Delete this thread if you found it dumb, but I am 20.
    I'd like to step in here just briefly while you two are duking it out and just say a kid with proper knowledge would know that taking aas at his age would be damaging to his endocrine system and hpta system.

    OP. There are literally dozens of thousands of similar threads here, asking the same thing over and over. not saying you shouldn't ask the question.

    Here's what you tell your young friends to scare them from taking aas

    It will shrink their balls (true)
    it may give them "man tits" (gyno) (true)
    it may inhibit their natural ability to produce testosterone later on (true)
    ---if this happens, then the following may occur:
    limp dik
    low libido (not interested in fuking)
    they may lose the ability of gaining/maintaning muscle without aas
    may increase the severity and frequency of thier zits

    so if you are trying to disturb them, then these are the hard cold facts.
    there is other sh1t that could happen, such as
    liver damage
    increase in cholestorol
    increase in blood pressure

    but because he's young, then those three probably wont disturb him as much as the thought of limp dik or not wanting to fuk.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 04-14-2011 at 04:30 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thank you Roman for your post.

    The funny thing is, the friends that I mention are amazingly well informed about steroids. They can basically tell you the profile of any steroid out there, including its side effects. They still want to do them after knowing what the steroids will do to their bodies.

    Therefore, it was not the case of, hey, they do not know what the side effects are. It was a case of "they really do not know how bad it feels to have low libido".

    They probably read the bad effects and they do not stop to think about how they would feel with those effects ACTUALLY happening to them. Everyone knows what acne is, what balding is, etc, but libido is one thing that even I personally do not get right now. This was the reason I was hoping people would post about their situations in which libido badly affected their lives.

    But, I can will try and find the other threads that you talk about. Thanks.

  6. #6
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    Back from Afghanistan
    sometimes, my friend, you can't fix stupid..... young as they are, they obviously must be very intelligent and already have all the answers.

    ....and sometimes they don't give a sh1t. Being young, they have no sense of mortality, and therefore, the consequences of poor decisions.

  7. #7
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    The Dude Abides
    Muttonchop, I suggest you look for new friends. All the stories in the world won't get these guys to stop being stupid. There are plenty of good people to hang around that you don't need to waste your time on the dregs, it just might take some time to find them.

  8. #8
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    I did Prohormones at 22-23 and didnt want sex for months, couldnt maintain an erection for more than 10 minutes, and getting laid once a month was a take it or leave it kind of thing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    ^^^^^ thank you pistol. same thing here. didnt know how powerful these substances were and ran prohormones at 21 and 22 and for months had semi hard boners if i could get one at all. emabaressed myself a couple of times. Why look good and get the girls if you cant seal the deal? Sex drive sucked and i could gain muscle at all for about 4 months after.... That was only a 30 day cycle btw

  10. #10
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    I will throw in the point that low sex drive is rough on relationships. Want your girlfriend to think she is ugly or fat? Want your mate to worry that you are cheating on her and sleeping with someone else? Easily accomplished by having no interest in sex.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thank you so much guys for cutting to the chase. I feel extremely bad for you guys who had to go through that. Thank you for posting.

    The funny thing is, all of my friends who want to or already do steroids fall into two groups:

    1) Sports
    2) Self esteem

    Its the second group that I find stupid. The first one too, but can't really do much to stop that....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Muttonchop, I suggest you look for new friends. All the stories in the world won't get these guys to stop being stupid. There are plenty of good people to hang around that you don't need to waste your time on the dregs, it just might take some time to find them.
    Thanks mate. But some of these are childhood friends who are, in the end, good at heart. That is why I am trying to help em out.

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