I hope I can get some advice. I've done the research, spoke to my doc but I'd like to hear from someone who has done it. 1st my doc has gave me his blessing/script for one cycle(seven weeks). I've been working out for the last eight months with really slow results over the last three. I will list my prehistory, current stats, goal, what I have, diet, and new plan now that I start Test on Monday.
BMI 36, Age 36
Started working out in September (heavy in November)
weight was 240, waist size 42, height 5'11"
Did Cardio, free weights, & circuit trained
BMI 24
Weight 220, waist 38, height 5'11"
Cardio, free weights, pull-ups, push ups, dips, circuit
Fit enough for a triathlon after my pt test in june
BMI < 16, Weight 199, waist > 36
Ability to run 2 miles in 16 min, 15 pull-ups
60 sit-ups, 70 push ups
The rest will come if I'm in shape,ie triangular well defined body shape
What I have
(4) x 2000mg/10ml ALPHA-T2, Adrohard, Essential Amino Energy, multi vitamin
(21) capsules of tren, OxyElite, Omega 3-6-9, Animal cuts, Creatine,
Whey, Maximum Recovery, Animal vitamin, Glutamine, Gaba
Current plan
Mon & Thurs
200mg testosterone, Adrohard
Mon, Wed, Fri
Alpha-T2, OxyElite, Tren xtrem, animal vitamins
(m) Upper torso, (w)Lower torso, (f) upper torso heavy
Tues, Thurs,
Cardio, Crunches, Krav maga
Animal cuts, Gaba
Omega 3-6-9, Whey, Maximum Recovery, Essential Amino Energy, Creatine, Arimidex, Glutamine
Meal 1:
1 wheat bread, 2 eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/2 cup oatmeal
Meal 2:
Protein shake
Meal 3:
Veggies, Lean Protein
Meal 4:
Protein shake
Meal 5:
Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice.
Meal 6:
Shake or oatmeal
I know its a lot but I'm serous about getting in shape for the summer, lost 20lbs already. I would add winstrol or advar to my mix edit. what would you change or add?