Yes, it's true! Today at 4pm cst it is another hour sale that starts off at 60% discount from regular price then every 10 minutes goes down 10%.
Check out the store now and figure out what you want >>>> 60% off!!!
Yes, it's true! Today at 4pm cst it is another hour sale that starts off at 60% discount from regular price then every 10 minutes goes down 10%.
Check out the store now and figure out what you want >>>> 60% off!!!
F#ck yes!!!!!
40 minutes!
T-minus 10 minutes
Here we go! the store is now set to 60% off for the next 10 minutes............
The store is getting extremely bogged down with traffic.....which means you may experience difficulty navigating the store. Because of the logjam, the 60% off will be extended briefly
still working on fixing the store, it will be ready to go shortly.................keep your panties on :P
Thanks guys for your patience.......we're increasing bandwidth as we speak. It will be running smoothly shortly
holy crap, although it took about 15min to get the order placed it finally went through!! Started sweatin for a few there thinking I would miss out on the sale LOL
Alright the store has been working for the past while, hopefully you've been able to checkout without any problems.....
The store is going to be set at 60% off for another 10 minutes, then back to normal...hurry!
Wow.......that was the wildest "Hour and twenty minute" Sale we've ever done........HAHAHA.
Didn't expect such a boggdown at the store, you guys are GREAT! Glad many of you (if not all of you) were able to get in on the 60% off.
The store has now been changed bk to 20% off.
Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god damn it ar-r i was going to purchase a heap of things at 50-60% off but considering the time difference in australia i missed out! can u pm or something when u do that sale again please?
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