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Thread: Let's Hear Some New Years Eve Stories!!! Anyone Get Laid???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Talking Let's Hear Some New Years Eve Stories!!! Anyone Get Laid???

    I posted this on bolex, but this thread should be bumpin in a day or so. Tell us about your night.

    NYE is the best party night of the year...for people who like to party of course.

    Man this party i was at had like a 2-1 girl to guy ratio. How fucking tight is that shit?! Made out with like every girl there, got fcked up w/ good ole JD. Some hunny totalyl fcking came up to me and grabbed my shirt, dragged me outside...and threw me against the wall, mackin me, grabbin stuff...asks me "Where's your car...let's go for a little bit!" Some fucker cock blocked me and told me to stay away from that. Fcking asshole. There was my shot. Then this other chick i Tried pickin up a girl that TOLD HER FRIEND to tell me she wanted to hook up...shy i guess? Then i go up, make up with her for a good while, and didnt see her again after that. I was too drunk to care, until i started to come down....then i was slapping myself silly for not gettin it. Got her number, but i dont think its gonna work.

    Oh...almost started a fight with like the WHOLE party...a couple buddies of mine were tryin to jack a guy's keg, and bring it back to my house for a little after party. They caught them!!! Well, mr. host thought i did it, wanted to fight..i told him to fuck off..(Drunk and stupid) . 15 minutes of shit talking, people holding people back...blah blah blah...finally some chick through me in a van and drove me back to my house...some peeps came over, went to IHOP...went back home and went to bed UNLAID! Ya...i already know i suck, so don't make me feel any worse.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I got that drunk that the only thing i laid was the floor...HIC...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I spent a quiet night in with the g/f.Did I get "laid"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    that answers that question.and spent all new years day in bed practically w/ my gf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I've said it before and I'll say it one funny bastard Trips!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    well, so petey, partyboy, and billy all got their LAY on. But do not fear boys, as i gave my number to a few and have been in contact. so if i get laid in a week or two, then that means it's a delayed new years eve booty session, which still counts as nye play.

    How many did you have pete?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    How many did you have pete?
    16 !! You're talking about drinks....not orgasms...right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada

    Pa Pa Pump

    Good old JD, didn’t sound like it was that good to you. You ALMOST got laid several times, you were pissed up and you almost got into a fight! Maybe it’s time to change your poison. Maybe it won’t be a total loss though, if some of those numbers come through.

    I didn’t fair any better though, I got to be the sober…well, the soberest driver.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Houston TX
    Unfortunately, my honey was in a different state for New Year's Eve........... but, he made up for it when he got back

    <<<< JENNA >>>>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, California
    Yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Venice
    Yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...and yes...
    No orgasmic pleasure in this thread thug.

    BRM- Well, i told myself before i started drinkin that night, that that flask i brought and those two shots i had before i left my house was all i was having. Well, that didn't last...2 shots, jungle juice, and taking chugs out of everyone's beers later, i found myself completely trashed.

    Especially since the last time i drank was during last summer. Oh well, one of them hunnys i been talking with the past few days, we'll see how it goes...


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, California
    No orgasmic pleasure in my thread...You asked if anyone got laid for New Year's and I was answering your question...and telling you how many times.

    Yes...yes...yes...yes...yes...and yes...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ok I put it under another thread "oh boy what a new years eve."
    but I'll put it here also

    Ok this is a long winded post, but I can't wait to tell it.
    I dated this girl last year, we had an awesome relationship, untill about 3 months ago. Everything just fell apart. Anyways we havn't talked since I moved out of her place. out of the blue, last week she called me to see what I was gonna do for new years, (which was being in new orleans and watching the sugar bowl) When I told her this, she was devistated beause at midnight last new years was the first time we confessed our love for one another.

    Ok heres the meat of my post, monday I was in New Orleans with a couple buddies of mine..... Could do nothing but remember hearing the tears in her voice when we were on the phone. then it hit me, I had by buddy take me to rent a car (didn't know budget had one way rentals) and I started to come home. (left my friends, tickets to the sugar bowl, and the big easy!) I got in town around 10:30 monday night and started making calls (her family, friends) till I finally found out where they were. It felt like the world came to an end when I saw her sitting there even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. There was nobody else in there as far as I was concerned. Anyways it worked out awesome, she cried, I cried (I'm a man I can admit it). So I hope my training in the new year goes as good as my first night into it.

    about the getting laid part, yes on new years, and been going like drunk monkeys since.

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