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Thread: 8 week Test E and Deca cycles

  1. #1

    8 week Test E and Deca cycles

    It appears that you CAN do 8 week cycles with Deca (if you blast and cruise). Otherwise with a deca front load you would need to drop Deca week 8 so it can clear, before dropping test, then doing pct.

    Deca first week, two injections 500mg each.(1000mg/wk)
    Then follow on weeks two 250mg. (500mg/wk)

    Drop Deca completely and drop to TRT dose of Test E for a 8wk break.
    Bloodwork with prolactin week 7 of blast.
    Bloodwork week 7 of cruise.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2018-05-08-11-10-11.png 
Views:	291 
Size:	101.1 KB 
ID:	172752

    From second injection of 500mg at 3.5 days you are at saturation level.

    Looks good on paper right....
    what about in real life? Why not?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DozerSoldier View Post
    It appears that you CAN do 8 week cycles with Deca (if you blast and cruise). Otherwise with a deca front load you would need to drop Deca week 8 so it can clear, before dropping test, then doing pct.

    Deca first week, two injections 500mg each.(1000mg/wk)
    Then follow on weeks two 250mg. (500mg/wk)

    Drop Deca completely and drop to TRT dose of Test E for a 8wk break.
    Bloodwork with prolactin week 7 of blast.
    Bloodwork week 7 of cruise.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2018-05-08-11-10-11.png 
Views:	291 
Size:	101.1 KB 
ID:	172752

    From second injection of 500mg at 3.5 days you are at saturation level.

    Looks good on paper right....
    what about in real life? Why not?
    The deca is not fully kicking in at 3.5 days as the graph suggests. IMO anything less than 10 weeks with deca is too short to fully reap the benebfits. I usually go 15 weeks on deca.
    With that being said, I did do a 8 week bulk with deca. I got the results that I wanted however it was far from optimal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    The deca is not fully kicking in at 3.5 days as the graph suggests. IMO anything less than 10 weeks with deca is too short to fully reap the benebfits. I usually go 15 weeks on deca.
    With that being said, I did do a 8 week bulk with deca. I got the results that I wanted however it was far from optimal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    If anyone has any science as to why, that would be great. Does it have to do with receptor binding and time needed? What exactly dispels the graph and "kick in"? I know the graphing at steroidcalc is at the mercy of the algorithms and half life coding of the creator.
    I am sure it most likley has to do with ester breakdown or something, rate of breakdown and rate of mg actually delivered.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2014
    Deca is slow.

    If you can do 8 weeks? Sure, you can even do whatever you want. Will it be optimal? No.

    I dont understand what you are asking... I'm doing deca only, with TRT from nebido, whats the problem?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Just run NPP for 8 weeks.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2016
    Some claim frontloading long esters work, it doesn't for me.

    The actual pharmacokinetics are different from what is graphed on steroidcalc, and the whole buildup/serum levels theory doesn't hold. Also the larger the injection, the longer it takes to release it all, the amplitude/peak doesn't go twice as high just because.

    I agree with using short esters. I'm pissed I have all this test E I have to use now...

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Just run NPP for 8 weeks.

    We have a winner!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Some claim frontloading long esters work, it doesn't for me.

    The actual pharmacokinetics are different from what is graphed on steroidcalc, and the whole buildup/serum levels theory doesn't hold. Also the larger the injection, the longer it takes to release it all, the amplitude/peak doesn't go twice as high just because.

    I agree with using short esters. I'm pissed I have all this test E I have to use now...
    You could always send it my way.... then you wouldn’t have to be pissed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Some claim frontloading long esters work, it doesn't for me.

    The actual pharmacokinetics are different from what is graphed on steroidcalc, and the whole buildup/serum levels theory doesn't hold. Also the larger the injection, the longer it takes to release it all, the amplitude/peak doesn't go twice as high just because.

    I agree with using short esters. I'm pissed I have all this test E I have to use now...
    Does steroidcalc also helps in the cleanse?

  10. #10
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Does steroidcalc also helps in the cleanse?
    cleanse? I don't get it

    What I meant about steroidcalc is it makes a math function out of how fast the ester breaks down. It always shows a sharp exponential rise up to a point then a slow exponential decrease. From graphs on studies on the actual release its more like most of it is done in the first two days then it quickly drops down to slow release per day for a longer period, not exactly like a math function where the rate of decrease is smooth. But it still does a pretty good job for an app.

    Re: frontloading, I tried two double dose injections in the start vs normal, it kicked in at the same time... some say this works though. From those I asked who said it does work, they all said frontloading with test prop is better. But if you're going to use prop for 4 weeks might as well use prop for 8 weeks lol!

  11. #11
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    cleanse? I don't get it

    What I meant about steroidcalc is it makes a math function out of how fast the ester breaks down. It always shows a sharp exponential rise up to a point then a slow exponential decrease. From graphs on studies on the actual release its more like most of it is done in the first two days then it quickly drops down to slow release per day for a longer period, not exactly like a math function where the rate of decrease is smooth. But it still does a pretty good job for an app.

    Re: frontloading, I tried two double dose injections in the start vs normal, it kicked in at the same time... some say this works though. From those I asked who said it does work, they all said frontloading with test prop is better. But if you're going to use prop for 4 weeks might as well use prop for 8 weeks lol!
    Bros at my gym keep saying a good cleanse fixes everything, steroidcalc must be done by good bros (same as cleanse)

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Just run NPP for 8 weeks.
    I have NPP 100mg/ml that I brewed in MCT oil 1%BA and 15%BB.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20180216_031032-800x600.jpg 
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Size:	165.2 KB 
ID:	172763

    I have Deca 300mg/ml 1%BA 5%BB
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20180509_235839-800x600.jpg 
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Size:	133.0 KB 
ID:	172764

    All setup for next blast. Running Deca (longer than 8 weeks)
    Left to right Cialis 20mg/ml in PEG 400, tucked behind that self made bacteriostatic water for HCG. 1 vial NPP (more stored away), 4 vials Deca 300, 1 vial Test E 300 (have to brew more in about a week)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20180510_083422-800x600.jpg 
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Size:	149.1 KB 
ID:	172765

    So, yes, many know of NPP being a more logical choice gor a short run.
    I was just interested in thoughts on Deca frontload, short cycles.

    I am POSSIBLY going to run both the NPP at lower dose EOD along with Deca first 5 weeks.
    Was going to frontload Deca first week 800mg(two 400mg pins) no npp, then Deca 400mg/wk for 4 weeks along with 40mg NPP EOD.
    Then 500mg/wk forward, drop NPP
    Test E at 750mg/wk throughout blast.

    I have ran NPP solo at 490mg/wk (70mg ED), along with 900mg/wk Test E. 6mg Aromasin ED. Blood work was good. (forgot to add prolactin though)
    Have prami but have not needed it.
    HCG in there as well.

    Anyway, as I have said, was watching some videos and people were mentioning the myostatin and 8 weeks, then mentioned Deca during that 8 weeks cycle blast. Naturally I am like "why would you run it for such a short time, when it's just beginning to kick in"

    Then I started to think about how alot of people regurgitate what they read, and recipes with outlandish BA and BB content when it's not needed, they just do it because someone said it worked, it worked for them too, so it must be gospel.... without even brewing at lower concentration and seeing if it holds, if it doesn't, experiment until it does.

    So, just thinking, going to do further indepth research.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    cleanse? I don't get it

    What I meant about steroidcalc is it makes a math function out of how fast the ester breaks down. It always shows a sharp exponential rise up to a point then a slow exponential decrease. From graphs on studies on the actual release its more like most of it is done in the first two days then it quickly drops down to slow release per day for a longer period, not exactly like a math function where the rate of decrease is smooth. But it still does a pretty good job for an app.

    Re: frontloading, I tried two double dose injections in the start vs normal, it kicked in at the same time... some say this works though. From those I asked who said it does work, they all said frontloading with test prop is better. But if you're going to use prop for 4 weeks might as well use prop for 8 weeks lol!
    yes! the half lives.

    500mg oncecfirst half life leaves is 250, then 125, then 67.5....etc.

    always going to get the inverse square kinda law.

    50% gone, then it deals with smaller and smaller halves.

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