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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

  1. #801
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    And cook
    I forgot that part

  2. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    If you can drag branches and give a good bj....
    Well I can give a good bj if nothing else

  3. #803
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Well I can give a good bj if nothing else
    Yeah shit...
    Cant ever have it all

  4. #804
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    And cook
    I forgot that part
    2 out of 3 ain’t bad right???

  5. #805
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    update -
    added 250mcg per day of Hexareliin and 500mcg of HGH-frag (no MK at the moment)
    insulin 20-40iu per day

    morning routine upon waking - 10mg of Dbol, 10iu slin, 75mcg T4, and the Hex and Frag .. will be adding 25mg of Winny to this here shortly

    basically mainly running high dose test with 500mg of EQ thrown in.. the test is currently 1000mg of Sustanon (pinned 500mg 2x per week) , 100mg of test Prop pinned EOD, and 250mg of Test E pinned 2x per week .. so roughly 1850mg of test per week .

    the scale should start to climb

    edit - correction .. the 10iu slin comes about an hour or two later with breakfast
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 09-30-2019 at 06:12 PM.

  6. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    update -
    added 250mcg per day of Hexareliin and 500mcg of HGH-frag (no MK at the moment)
    insulin 20-40iu per day

    morning routine upon waking - 10mg of Dbol, 10iu slin, and the Hex and Frag .. will be adding 25mg of Winny to this here shortly

    basically mainly running high dose test with 500mg of EQ thrown in.. the test is currently 1000mg of Sustanon (pinned 500mg 2x per week) , 100mg of test Prop pinned EOD, and 250mg of Test E pinned 2x per week .. so roughly 1850mg of test per week .

    the scale should start to climb
    Then why the frag and Winnie?

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  7. #807
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Then why the frag and Winnie?
    I've got several vials of frag just sitting around here a co sent me for free awhile back.. so just decided to go ahead and use some of it up (I won't be cutting any time soon) . between the hex and the frag, it should be similar to running say 4iu of HGH per day (and I'm in no position to be able to afford HGH at the moment so I'm just tying to make due with what I have on hand).. the frag is taken upon waking and I'll get some possible fat loss benefits out of it being I'm currently going no carb for the first couple hours upon waking (plus doing plenty of caffeine). but thats not really important, I'm just using the shit up before it goes bad or something

    the Winny is just low dose first thing in the am to help suppress cortisol right now (which I feel has been pretty high lately)

  8. #808
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    note -- IF I'm running MK677 , instead of the hex and frag . then I take my 10iu of insulin upon waking

  9. #809
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    I haven't read the whole thread so you may have answered this already. Why not switch over completely to a basal insulin like lantus? I read you were using some lantus, along with some novalin R, and now I see only 10iu around breakfast so I'm assuming it some type of R insulin.

  10. #810
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    I haven't read the whole thread so you may have answered this already. Why not switch over completely to a basal insulin like lantus? I read you were using some lantus, along with some novalin R, and now I see only 10iu around breakfast so I'm assuming it some type of R insulin.
    I would run Lantus if I was running exogenous HGH (which I have ran for years ,, but just strapped for $ currently). right now I'm running GH peptides and am dependent on natty pulses of HGH .. so I want to be more precise with my timing of the insulin. with exogenous HGH lantus works great because your not dependent on a natty pulse.

    so yes your correct I'm running Novalin R . I run 10iu in the AM. 10-15iu pre workout . 15-20iu post workout.

    IF this winter I end up getting back on exogenous HGH and dropping the peptides (GHRPs) then I will likely add Lantus insulin into this protocol as well , 10iu before bed. or I may even do this with just running MK, as its long half life makes it not as negatively effected by slin use as the shorter acting peptides like GHRP6 and CJC or Hex

  11. #811
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    Rapid acting...
    No need for prolonged especially with a high metabolic rate

  12. #812
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Rapid acting...
    No need for prolonged especially with a high metabolic rate
    the main reason I rarely use Humalog , especially pre workout. is because owning the gym I often times get stuck talking to people before starting my workout, or heck even in the middle of my workout .. I plan a quick 40 min workout but then I'm in the gym 3 hours (between members talking to me, something comes up etc.).
    with humalog I got to be more focused.. I gotta get my workout started and I gotta get my carbs in. with humalin on the other hand I have time to spare

    however I was thinking, once I start really ramping up the food here soon, to start an insulin 'mega dosing' protocol for a few weeks and see how that goes. would likely add humalog to that as well and pin it with each and every meal

  13. #813
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    the main reason I rarely use Humalog , especially pre workout. is because owning the gym I often times get stuck talking to people before starting my workout, or heck even in the middle of my workout .. I plan a quick 40 min workout but then I'm in the gym 3 hours (between members talking to me, something comes up etc.).
    with humalog I got to be more focused.. I gotta get my workout started and I gotta get my carbs in. with humalin on the other hand I have time to spare

    however I was thinking, once I start really ramping up the food here soon, to start an insulin 'mega dosing' protocol for a few weeks and see how that goes. would likely add humalog to that as well and pin it with each and every meal
    10iu every two hours from wakeup and you will have no time to not eat.

    Its impossible to do every day and the reason I like it so much.

  14. #814
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    update on diet and training

    so I'm actually starting this bulking phase eating very little food . only 3 meals per day right now.. don't worry that shit will definitely get ramped up to 6 meals per day. But I want to see how the high dosage blast effects me before adding a calorie surplus to the equation. I'm up 5 pounds in the last week or so , on very little food. the drugs are kicking in and I'm retaining and partitioning nutrients well. this is definitely going to stall out quickly and I'll need to start hitting the food hard , but for now just want to see what happens . heck maybe drugs alone put 12 pounds back on me without the food. I'll take it

    training - 5-6 days per week. simple push pull legs routine right now just to get back into the groove.
    I'm thinking that sometime this winter in the bulking phase I want to train for some strength . I generally never do, mainly due to injuries that hold me back.. but Fk it. I'll be in a calorie surplus big time and taking massive amounts of gear , why not get strong in a couple lifts on top of it.
    so going to try and hit maybe 245 x 6 over head press .. and perhaps 325 x 3 on bench press (I'm not a big bench presser, because of busted up shoulders, but that seems reasonable even with shoulder issues). we'll see. main goal is just to add on some size

  15. #815
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    10iu every two hours from wakeup and you will have no time to not eat.

    Its impossible to do every day and the reason I like it so much.
    yeah doing something like that is exactly what I'm thinking .. I definitely won't attempt it though without MK677 (which keeps my blood sugar high and my appetite revving big time)

  16. #816
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah doing something like that is exactly what I'm thinking .. I definitely won't attempt it though without MK677 (which keeps my blood sugar high and my appetite revving big time)
    Insulin alone makes me hungry as I can be.

    I hear guys say "I'm going hypo."

    I do too.
    While I type it I am cleaning a fridge out.
    Its a psychotic hunger feeling I get.

    I dont leave work but when I go hypo I will drop my shit in a bad neighborhood and fly to a fast food place.

    I sweat and start shaking and almost immediately I can eat 8lbs of food.

  17. #817
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    What do you guys always keep in the car & with you in case you go hypo?

  18. #818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    What do you guys always keep in the car & with you in case you go hypo?
    Glucose tabs. They're like a dollar something and work well

  19. #819
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    What do you guys always keep in the car & with you in case you go hypo?
    Mt. Dew is what I kept around when I was using insulin. I prefer basal insulin like lantus now. GH has explained the benefits, and cons of both so I wont go into it, for me lantus is better. It may not be as good for bulking but in around 60 days of using lantus, hgh, npp, and tpp I gained a solid 30lbs. Then I ended up in the hospital for totally unrelated reasons, and lost it all. That was my first experiment with lantus, and I'm not sure if I will ever go back to R type insulin.

  20. #820
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    I use the glucose tabs for emergencies. They do the trick.

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  21. #821
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    What do you guys always keep in the car & with you in case you go hypo?
    I like to keep $30, crawl into the nearest McDonalds and destroy their entire menu.

  22. #822
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I use the glucose tabs for emergencies. They do the trick.

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    Well look at you Mr. Proper way!

  23. #823
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Mt. Dew is what I kept around when I was using insulin. I prefer basal insulin like lantus now. GH has explained the benefits, and cons of both so I wont go into it, for me lantus is better. It may not be as good for bulking but in around 60 days of using lantus, hgh, npp, and tpp I gained a solid 30lbs. Then I ended up in the hospital for totally unrelated reasons, and lost it all. That was my first experiment with lantus, and I'm not sure if I will ever go back to R type insulin.
    Idk what everyone's push for lantus is lately. You use a humalog type, you consume X carbs in Y window. You use lantus, and everything has to be on point for the entire day to go the benefit from it. Same benefit, more work
    It's really a niche use case when it should be preferred

  24. #824
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Idk what everyone's push for lantus is lately. You use a humalog type, you consume X carbs in Y window. You use lantus, and everything has to be on point for the entire day to go the benefit from it. Same benefit, more work
    It's really a niche use case when it should be preferred
    imo, Lantus is a useful tool for guys running high amounts of HGH . its a valid way to control blood sugars without having to worry about timing, and you'll still get a synergistic effect and increase IGF levels even further then running HGH alone . plus it will help take the burden off the pancreas (which is working over time if your taking lots of HGH)

    but for bulking and enhancing recovery , I prefer fast acting insulin and timing its use
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 10-03-2019 at 12:17 PM.

  25. #825
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    update -

    added 400mg of Tri Tren and 250mg of Deca and 20mg of Dbol to the current stack

    so we are at
    Test 1850mg
    EQ 500mg
    Tren 400mg
    Deca 250mg
    Dbol 20mg day
    Magnalone 30mg day
    Hex 250mcg day
    insulin 20-40iu

    weight has been going up over 1 pound per day for the last 8 days . even though I'm barely eating (just 3 meals per day)

  26. #826
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    Your thoughts on Magnalone? Have you run it on lesser cycles? In essence, how do you know it's effective for you in the above mix?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  27. #827
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Your thoughts on Magnalone? Have you run it on lesser cycles? In essence, how do you know it's effective for you in the above mix?
    I did a few weeks of magnalone just by itself when I first got it , before this blast when I was just cruising.. my weight went up easily with no change in my diet really and no noticeable excess water retention.
    so my thought is that even though Magnalone is mainly a pure anabolic, it has to also be a really good nutrient partitioner and glycogen loader (the weight gain form enhancing protein synthesis takes weeks and weeks to notice, not days)

    I think running Magnalone just by itself at 50mg per day for say 6 weeks straight would illicit some pretty good results . I will be purchasing it again.

  28. #828
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Idk what everyone's push for lantus is lately. You use a humalog type, you consume X carbs in Y window. You use lantus, and everything has to be on point for the entire day to go the benefit from it. Same benefit, more work
    It's really a niche use case when it should be preferred
    Have you used lantus before?

    I have to disagree on your idea of the whole day having to be on point. Honestly the peak is so low that to actually go hypo on lantus would take a ridiculous amount. As long as your eating regularly like 4-5 times a day even you will be fine on lantus

  29. #829
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    Mt. Dew is what I kept around when I was using insulin. I prefer basal insulin like lantus now. GH has explained the benefits, and cons of both so I wont go into it, for me lantus is better. It may not be as good for bulking but in around 60 days of using lantus, hgh, npp, and tpp I gained a solid 30lbs. Then I ended up in the hospital for totally unrelated reasons, and lost it all. That was my first experiment with lantus, and I'm not sure if I will ever go back to R type insulin.

    I had a similar experience with lantus. I gained 20something solid pounds in a month not even on gear. That was on like 10-15 iu lantus I thunk

  30. #830
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    Have you used lantus before?

    I have to disagree on your idea of the whole day having to be on point. Honestly the peak is so low that to actually go hypo on lantus would take a ridiculous amount. As long as your eating regularly like 4-5 times a day even you will be fine on lantus
    A female bodybuilding coach came on a podcast about a year ago and preached how good lantus is, it made its rounds and people started using it. Talk to any coach that knows their stuff and they will tell you that you're better off using regular or fast acting (except for niche cases like I said, such as to combat the hyperglycemic effects of HGH like GH mentioned)
    The premise is, if you're only using enough to not have to worry about going hypo, say 10-15iu, that's less than 1iu per hour, not a big enough improvement over natural production to justify it. If you are using enough, then the rest of your day needs to be on point.

  31. #831
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    A female bodybuilding coach came on a podcast about a year ago and preached how good lantus is, it made its rounds and people started using it. Talk to any coach that knows their stuff and they will tell you that you're better off using regular or fast acting (except for niche cases like I said, such as to combat the hyperglycemic effects of HGH like GH mentioned)
    The premise is, if you're only using enough to not have to worry about going hypo, say 10-15iu, that's less than 1iu per hour, not a big enough improvement over natural production to justify it. If you are using enough, then the rest of your day needs to be on point.
    Until you try it you can’t really say. Every “coach that knows their stuff” has a different opinion. Opinions are like assholes right? Everyone has one. I’m speaking from experience. I mean your right for sure 10-15iu doesn’t seem like much. But in my experience I gained a ton very quickly not even working out. Just working construction and eating a lot.

  32. #832
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    A female bodybuilding coach came on a podcast about a year ago and preached how good lantus is, it made its rounds and people started using it. Talk to any coach that knows their stuff and they will tell you that you're better off using regular or fast acting (except for niche cases like I said, such as to combat the hyperglycemic effects of HGH like GH mentioned)
    The premise is, if you're only using enough to not have to worry about going hypo, say 10-15iu, that's less than 1iu per hour, not a big enough improvement over natural production to justify it. If you are using enough, then the rest of your day needs to be on point.

    I’m not saying one is better than the other. I think honestly to be the most efficient you should be using both. A steady peak in the background and huge peaks when you use the novolin/log

  33. #833
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    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 10-05-2019 at 05:00 PM.

  34. #834
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    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 10-05-2019 at 05:00 PM.

  35. #835
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    imo .. using Lantus can be an extremely advanced protools thing , or it can be an extremely simple thing. just like lots of other compounds we use and it depends on how we stack them and what the situation is.

    simple stupid protocol with lantus = if your an average Joe thats running a little bit of HGH or MK677 for 6 months or so and notice your blood sugars are getting to pre diabetic range , simply adding 10-20iu of Lantus per day can help ease the burden on the Pancreas as well as help lower those blood sugars..

    advanced protocol with lantus = if your trying to get as big as possible and put on as much muscle as possible in say a years time,, your already going to be using HGh and MK677, plus eating a ton of carbs, plus using fast acting insulin at select times , plus using lots of AAS that have nutrient partitioning benefits ,etc etc.. you may really benefit by running latnus in the background to help cover your 6000 cals and 8 meals per day, plus increase IGF etc.

  36. #836
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    imo .. using Lantus can be an extremely advanced protools thing , or it can be an extremely simple thing. just like lots of other compounds we use and it depends on how we stack them and what the situation is.

    simple stupid protocol with lantus = if your an average Joe thats running a little bit of HGH or MK677 for 6 months or so and notice your blood sugars are getting to pre diabetic range , simply adding 10-20iu of Lantus per day can help ease the burden on the Pancreas as well as help lower those blood sugars..

    advanced protocol with lantus = if your trying to get as big as possible and put on as much muscle as possible in say a years time,, your already going to be using HGh and MK677, plus eating a ton of carbs, plus using fast acting insulin at select times , plus using lots of AAS that have nutrient partitioning benefits ,etc etc.. you may really benefit by running latnus in the background to help cover your 6000 cals and 8 meals per day, plus increase IGF etc.
    I agree
    The simple stupid would be a niche case I was talking about. Using it to counter hyperglycemia
    Then you have the advanced case, works, saves some pins, makes sense to me
    Then you have people on boards, that are not using high dose hgh plus a secretagogue and eating 6kcals who are using anyways. Seems unnecessary, but if it works for them, no need to change it. It's just not something I would recommend to a friend or do myself unless it were a situation like the ones you mentioned

  37. #837
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    so I'm going with a low carb diet .. which is absolutely ridiculous for an insulin advocate/user guy to do that wants to gain a lot of size.. high carb high insulin is by far the best approach for putting on size.

    but I feel really inflamed. really achy etc. (part of why I just added deca). so its a fine balance of feeling good and healthy with also adding size. I know pounding 800g of carbs per day with 60iu of slin will put the size on, but it won't help with this inflammation feeling.

    I did 12 months of straight keto dieting years and years ago (before anyone even heard of keto let alone it being a 'fad').. and I remember feeling really good during that time.

    I have no plans on going keto, thats a ridiculous diet for mass gains, but I'm really going to cut my carbs/sugars way back and time my foods and see if that helps with my inflammation issues. so not having chronic high blood sugar or insulin levels all day long , but just selecting a window of time for blood sugar spikes

    so for example - meal 1 , protein shake . meal 2, 4 whole eggs, 5oz ground beef, and some spinach .. meal 3, steak and veggies and one piece of fruit.. then post workout meal I'll have 2 cups of white rice or potatoes.. thats it. maybe last meal will have a slight amount of carbs as well

    so we'll see.. fats are generally anti inflammatory , where as carbs/sugar are pro inflammatory . gonna try to keep pro inflammatory responses to mainly post workout when it matters , rather then all day long

    note - this is just me and my situation currently -- ideally for gaining size your going to want carbs/sugars and elevated glucose all day long

  38. #838
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    update -
    nothings working . drugs don't do shit.. 4 days in a row of hard training and I can barely move afterwards. I'm 15 pounds down from my normal on cycle weight. let alone trying to gain weight past that.
    my digestion is entirely F'd . my immune system is actually fighting against the food itself. I can't assimilate the nutrition. inflammation is out of control .

    looks like I have a challenge in front of me that I can't just throw a bunch of drugs , food, and training at to fix . time to problem solve

  39. #839
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    Starting to eliminate foods to see what's causing it? Or just going back to the standard chicken and rice (if that usually digests well for you)?

  40. #840
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Starting to eliminate foods to see what's causing it? Or just going back to the standard chicken and rice (if that usually digests well for you)?
    yes thats what I'm going to do . I'm going to eliminate pasta (rely on that a lot for bulking) and I'm going to cook all my veggies (rather then eating raw like I often do)..

    funny thing is, the scale is not going up at all. the weights in the gym are not going up at all . but I did the ol mirror check today and my physique actually does look better (despite the stomach problems and super low cals) , so I guess something is working even though I "feel" like nothing is working

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