so I weighed myself today .. I'm 30+ pounds down. I knew I was down but damn 30 pounds is a lot. and when I was 30 pounds heavier I was still lean with a fairly small waste.
so its not like I lost 30 pounds and got shredded from being fat. I'm just losing muscle I guess. I know my strength is way down.. I used to over head press 245 for reps and bench press 315 (and that was just 6 months post back surgeries). I'm not touching those kinda weights at all any more. heck hammer strength machine press was 5 plates per side for 8 reps,, now I'm barely hitting 2 and a half per side for reps.
I need to go get some blood work done. I know this digestion issues, ibs, inflammation, and inability to eat is fucking me over and causing most this weight loss and strength gains loss,, but shit I'm going down hill fast.
its time for a damn challenge I guess. gonna get my health checked out, but shit I need to gain 30+ pounds in 30 days.
I'll track my diet and training and my weight gains and strength gains here.. we'll see if I can do this or not.
diet is mainly going to be meat ( I need to sell a gun or something and take the funds and go by half a cow from my local rancher or plan a trip to Costco.. but I need to eat F'ing steak multiple times per day).
AAS .. idk. depends on my blood work. I'm just not assimilating grains and carbs very well. F's my stomach up and I get all inflamed and achy everywhere. so no insulin or hgh or anything like that. probably keep things simple and just run test and deca (which should help with inflammation).
going to be hard as hell to gain 30 pounds on limited carbs and no insulin. idk maybe I'll think of something, I've probably got a trick or two left up my sleeve