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Thread: Adding Dianabol to cycle..?

  1. #1

    Adding Dianabol to cycle..?


    I’m 9 weeks into my testosterone and Anavar cycle. Have taken Anavar for 8 weeks 40 mg each day. Pinning 2 times a week with 250 mg test. All good. But have some Dianabol left from earlier cycles…. Can I start with Dianabol one week after quitting Anavar..? Or will this be a bad idea…? Cycle length 12 weeks

    Using N2 Guard 7 capsules each day.
    Also taking aromasin 12.5 mg EOD



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    My thoughts are just save the dbol for a later cycle, for a few reasons.

    First, that would be 11 weeks of orals. I don't know your cycle history so maybe you always run 3 months of orals without issue, but it is excessive for most.

    Second, you ran anavar, a decidedly "dry" compound, and now you want to add d-bol, a decidedly "wet" one.... What is your plan with that? That is, how does running a dry compound and then a wet one in the cycle figure in to your overall cycle goals?

    It feels like you are thinking "well, I don't want this dbol to go to waste, so let me throw it in there, too". That isn't necessary and can be counter productive. You can save it as a kick start to your next cycle as a jump start.

    Finally, I wouldn't run dbol with that much AI... it defeats the purpose to a large extent. Best bet is to work it into your next cycle intentionally, rather than as an after thought.

  3. #3

    Thanks for your reply, will save the dbol for my next cycle. You where right about my thoughts

    Again, thanks for your help


    Last edited by Piranah; 03-06-2022 at 11:03 AM.

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