I have probably gone through a three hundred amps of Sustanon over the past year. I have known at least 6 others who have done doses from 250mg/week to 1500mg/week. My first experince with steroids was over twenty years ago. I will say that all the talk about daily injections is nothing more than speculation and totally over intellectualizes the need to keep "blood levels constant". Once I had an amp, a single amp, and did one shot and saw my strength go up in 3 weeks and stay up for 5. I believe we all react differently with some getting more than others as far as results but, when it comes to sustanon the difference between daily, every other day or twice a week is negligable. Added gains with daily injections being near zero. Basically any test will do the trick with right diet. For me I seem to react better to sust. I do an amp M-W-F. I just needed to get this into a seperate post because I have enough experience and have seen enough among my friends as to give an opinion unbiased from the new widom of daily doses to "take advantage of all the esters". If you really want consistent levels do prop/ed with whatever long ester you are using.