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Thread: Clen before or after cardio????

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The big Addison, TX!!!!!

    Clen before or after cardio????

    Ok ok ok I knnow you rguys are thinking I'm a dumb@$$ and I should know this, and I know that 90% of everyone will say after cardio......


    I have ALWAYS taken my ECA stack before always gives me that kick before cardio....I'm just not sure if I can get used to doing cardio without my usual (ECA, R-ALA, and ALCA). And of coarse I WONT be doing the Clen WITH ECA, I will be using Mallets 6 week cycle with 50-100mg of Benadryl during 3rd week. This is my first time with Clen, but have used ECA on and off for the past year and a half. I feel my body has gotten used to the ECA, which is why I'm giving Clen a shot, so with all that being said, Here are my questions:

    1) Do you think it would be ok just to try the Clen before my cardio for a day or 2 to see how my body reacts?? I wouild think that it would be more benefecial anyway before cardio since it will help raise your body temp and heart rate, what do you think??

    2) Is it ok to still take the R-ALA and ALCAR before cardio? I know most people say not to tae the R-ALA before cardio but a while back I experiemented with it to see if my body could handle it without crashing during cardio and it worked fine, I just like to get my blood sugar levels as low as possible to reach that fat burning stage faster.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts and theories, what do you guys think?? Thanks Bro's!!
    Last edited by sooner45; 01-16-2005 at 10:35 AM.

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