Well, thought I would start a new thread to see what the gene pool of this site looks like.

Guess the question really asks, do you have what it takes to be competetive genetically? (ie- hips, joints, shoulders, etc; not "are you a huge mofo LOL)

For me: Not a chance in hell. My biggest problem is my pelvis and hips. I was fortunate enuf to inherit my mothers hips; HUGE.
I can be at my leanest and down to like 7% BF and still have a wide waist just due to my pelvis width. Im sooo envious of those with that tight narrow waists. I also have large joints that really stand out. Another downfall. On the good side, I do have a fairly broad shoulder frame and good genetic chest potential.

So how bout it guys? Got what it takes? Whats good and whats bad?

Figured this might be an interesting thread,
