I'm starting my 5th week on IGF1 LR3 at 60 mcgs PWO. I will end the cycle at 5 weeks and then do slin for 5 weeks then back to IGF, etc, etc...

My results have been AWESOME!!!! I have not changed anything with my AAS cycle -- The only change has been to add IGF to my normal cycle. I am up 6 pounds!!!! I know this does not sound like much to many of you, but I was 5'6" 224 with about 6 to 8% BF when I started, and now I've finally broken 230 with BF still around 7%!!!!

The positive and negative side effects I noticed were:

1) Tremendous pumps
2) Slight numbness in my hands at times
3) Tremendous increase in appetite

It's not cheap, but I highly recommend IGF for anyone who is considering it....

I always want to publicly thank RedBaron and Gear for all of their help with my cycle...