I did take the time to research this, however there appears to be a great divergence of opinion on when, how this stuff is to be used. I have 10000 iu's of this stuff in powder form. In week 6 of a test e cycle that is going to end after 10 weeks. I take 1 mg. of arimidex eod. I have 28 50 mg. clomid at the ready.

Question 1: When do I start the clomid and the HCG?
Question 2: What doseage should I use and how often?
Question 3: Do I take the water provided and inject all of it into the vial containing the powder? When should I do this?
Question 4: How do I store the HCG once mixed? Does it HAVE to be refrigerated or can it be stored at room temp?
Question 5: Where exactly do I inject the stuff? Stomach fat with an insulin pin?

I know that this is an elementary level question for some of you, but I certainly would appreciate a dumb-downed explanation of exactly what I need to do as the cycle nears its conclusion. Thanks in advance.