Hi there,

I desperately need advice. I have had really good advice coming from this site and really trust and respect the guys come here to help others like myself out.

It has been 9 months since my last course. I have had 3 courses in the past.

50mg deca per week X 8 weeks
250mg sustanon per week X 8 weeks
Obviously here I had the best results as it was my first course. Gained 15 kg and went from 24% body fat to 12%. Also stuck to my diet religiously. Followed with:
3 weeks of pregnal 5000iu per week.

50mg winstrol per day, 5 days a week X 12 weeks
500mg sustenon per week X 12 weeks
1st 2 weeks 4 Dianabol tabs per day
then 2 weeks 6 Dianabol tabs per day
followed with 2 weeks 8 Dianabol tabs per day
ending the Dianabol with 5 tabs per day for another 2 weeks.
Had less gains but still did well. Obviously should not have used Sustenon so soon after first time. Followed up with:
3 weeks of Profasie 5000iu per week

8 weeks of:
Testosterone suspention (cant remember dosage)
300mg Deca per week
followed by another 8 weeks of:
Testosterone enanthate (cant remember dosage)
300mg Deca per week.
Did the whole Dianabol tabs like in the 2nd course again.
Followed up with:
5000iu Pregnal for 5 weeks
I had total system failure with this course. Messed me up real good. Minimum gains. Libido flat, tired, depressed, water retention, bad skin. After investigating I realised that I did not use the suspension correctly and that changing over from suspension (which works relatively fast) to Enanthate, which takes 4 weeks to build up, was the worst thing to do. Trust a trainer to give you advice. Hindsight is sweet.

I now need to get back onto the juice, as I have not been able to visit the gym on a regular basis due to a new job. I have gained a bit of fat and hav enot really lost that much of the gains from the prvious 3 courses. I’m adjusting my priorities and have finally settled into my job enough to be able to find the odd 2 hours per day to work out.

The advice that I need is what to use for this next course. A doctor told me that some of his friends have seen major gains with Ilium Boldebal-H. He said that it is very similar to Deca. He can get this for me. My aim is to really grow. The biggest that I can. I was thinking of adding Sustenon and Dianabol. Specific questions:

1 Do you think after looking at my previous courses that Boldebal-H is the right thing for me?

2 What dosage should I be taking and for how long?

3 Would Sustenon work well with this?

4 What dosage should I use of that?

5 Any other juice that you could recommend other than Sustenon?

6 What is the best way to take Dianabol?

Any help would really be appreciated. I really value your opinion and would not like to mess up this one.

Thanks a mil,