I'm starting my second cycle here shortly, which will consists of

Prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-11 (80 days of gear, 40 injections).
Winny 50mg ED weeks 6 - end of cycle (5 weeks worth of pills - 35 pills)
Clen two weeks on / two weeks off duration of cycle.
Novla 10mg ED
PCT Novla / Clomid ect.

I ran winny at the end of my last cycle and corresponded it to end two weeks after my last Injection of Test E - so I could start PCT right after I was done.
Should I do something similiar with this cycle?

Also should I start PCT two days after my last prop injection?

Trying to get a little more cutup with this cycle - going to keep diet clean and calories about where they are now. Does anyone have a link to a good thread with advice on cutting with prop or a similiar cycle to my own? Or maybe some advice?

Thanks for all the help bros! hope all those questions make sense.
