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Thread: Dosage Question

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    Dosage Question

    OK I know when you read this you are likely going to say "DUH" but there is something about the dosages I'm just not understanding. I HAVE read and read and read and it isn't making sense. So if somebody could please clear this up for me it'd sure help out a lot!

    Ok anywho...

    As an example, reading the steroid profiles, lets look at Deca. It says "Effective Dose (Men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb of Bodyweight)." It also says "You could end up paying well over $10usd per amp or 2ml vial..."

    OK... not to talk specif cycles, but just numbers for the sake of numbers. Lets say I decide on a 200mg/week dose of Deca for a 12 week cycle. Does that mean I need to purchase 12 2ml vials and inject 2ml/cc each week? Or am I totally missing something here??

    I understand that deca is commonly sold in 200mg - 2ml vials. And the 200mg is the strenght, while the 2ml is the amount. So you'd need that total amount for the 200mg is or is that 200mg/ml??

    I know this is likely a really basic question... so basic it seems to be overlooked in the cycles and profiles. So please, try not to flame too much when ya explain this one to me! LOL!

    Also... how many cc in an IU?

    Last edited by Auto54; 01-14-2006 at 11:08 AM. Reason: typo

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