i am a junior in high school 17 turning 18 in the summer
i am
bench: 190
forty time:5.2
I have been taking in close to 200 grams of protein a day working out every other day and running every day i eat 8 smalls meals a day taking in as much protein as i can stomach and drinking about gallon and 1/2 a day i been doing this for past 7 months and gaining only 6 lbs
I recently purchased Haladrol and i am comptiplating on taking them i heard good things about it but is it easily picked up in testing since my school is starting that this year and i would like to know somethings about it before i start this cycle
i am aiming a goal at 180 maybe if im lucky 190
i wood like bench to be close to 250 and squat to go up to mid 300's and forty time down a lil can yall help me out with this situation lmk wat yall think
i kno at my age i shouldnt be taking it but i realy want that state championship next year so i am willing to do anything