personally, in the past, i normally only used anti-estrogens at the end of my cycles during pct. however, after reading many of the threads about anti-e's, it seems most people encourage taking nolva while on a cycle.

my issue with this is that anti-e's reduce the effectiveness of gear, and so in taking them, you're cheating yourself out of some of the gains you'd make from the gear. so, if you know you're not succeptible to gyno, is there any other reason to take nolva with a cycle?

i'm sure that when taking heavy doses of test it's a must, but i've gone up to sust at 750mg/week during one of my cycles and had no problems with gyno. i just want to get as much out of my cycles as possible and if i don't need to pop the extra nolva's during my cycle, i'd rather save the $, get those extra gains, and pop one less thing during my cycles. let me know what you guys think. thanks.