This is usaully a very popular subject on here so I thought I'd give some personal experience- hopefully it helps. Anyway, I was sick of my gear-induced acne. I tried every soap and cleanser you could think of and was fed up. So, I made an appointment with a dermatologist.

I was honest with him about my AAS use and he said "regardless of how you got it, its stillan infection and needs to treated." He prescribed me ampicilin 500mg tabs and an anti-bacterial gel. I take the pills twice daily and apply the gel twice also. In one week, I can tell a major difference.

As for sunlight succeptability that usaully accompanies acne meds, this stuff does not (so i can continue to tan).

I asked him about the active ingredient in Nizoral (Ketoconazole). He said that it may help with mild cases but it was an anti-fungal not the antti-bacterial, which is needed to cure the infected oil glands.

ANyway, I hope this motivates people to go to a doctor. It cost me around $100 total (doc visit and meds) and is working great. I know we all self-medicate (obviously, we use AAS lol) but we dont always have to.