I'm in week two of a Test E and Anadrol cycle. I've gained about 20lb (most of which is water retention) and I've experienced significant increase in reps in all movements but I'm not going much heavier than I was pre-cyle.
I was doing bench when I felt what I think is either a muscle tear or bad strain of a chest muscle. I had to stop my work out and I anticipate taking at least a week, maybe two off from training.
I know that people sometimes injure themselves when on juice because they lift too heavy too quickly. However, when I injured myself, I was benching 315, a heavy weight for me but a weight I could bench a couple of reps before I started my cycle. (the shitty part is I can bench 315 six or seven reps and intentionally wasn't going heavier to avoid a f*%* injury like this) I don't have any discoloration in my chest, so I don't think I've torn a muscle or a tendon. There is pain but I do have full mobility. Perhaps it's just a strain?
Should I stop my cycle and wait for recovery then resume gear use, or should I continue my cycle and just take a week or two off of training?