Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704
these days it seems that if you dont go out and drink the point of illness, do drugs or cheat on your girlfriend then you are weird. its a shame

OMG.. you are so right. I've actually recently (over the past 2 years) lost friends becuase of my lifestyle. My best friend though I was trying to act better than everyone because I wouldn't participate in the all night parties with drugs and drinking and whatever else... and other friends just wouldn't accept that I can't always just do something at the drop of a hat because of my gym schedule.. nor do I really enjoy sitting at a pub downing gallons of beer and chicken wings or nachos.. so when I did go out and didn't consume anything they would make fun of me.. it just became more hassle to try to keep the friendships than it was to let them go.. but they obviously mustn't have been that good to begin with..

And I dunno whats up with people cheating all the damn time... it's like people don't care about their partner's feelings or they've lost their morals or something. If you aren't happy, then break up.. dont cheat! Lifes too damn short to fvck around like that...

Temptation: That's Brook Burke. I only wish I looked like her! But hopefully I will have that body by the end of the summer I should put my own pic up and I will once I reach a few more goals..