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Thread: Your mindset versus the Pro's mindset; why over 99% of you will never become pros

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    Exclamation Your mindset versus the Pro's mindset; why over 99% of you will never become pros

    First of all, don't believe a word I am about to say, instead, I urge you to see this for YOURSELF. After a long time of cruising all vartious types of forums, I have come to the ultimate conclusion that the the majority of these bros are blinded by a great lie, a falsified belief that will ultimately retard and halt them in their journey for a freaky body. I have been reading many of the forums for a long time now, and if there is one thing I notice, it is that the pro's despise all of these forums, and for a good reason they do. These forums are too negative for the positive promotion of a strong mindset to achieve what it takes to be the best. Do you know what it takes to achieve the body that these professionals have?
    I am sure a lot of people here (Perhaps over 95%) are going to say truckloads of juice, genetics, dieting etc. The truth has never been further than see this is the mistake a lot of you guys make when it comes to having the mindset of a pro. You emphasize steroids way too much over the power of the mind...and I have seen my fair share of "bros" lift weights. Yes they lift heavy, yes they scream when they life, yes they are strict on leading a life based on the development of their physique...but do you notice based on your own experience, that the majority of the "bros", these guys on the forums, and on the outside world, never make it beyond a certain point? That there is a "sticking" point, and no matter how much juice, growth hormones, drugs they stuff into their bodies, they just cannot make it to the next've seen it all, guys on these boards are putting up questions about consuming over 1+ gram of test a week, stacked with all kinds of extremly powerful compounds. It is actually now normal for an "advanced" steroid user (foolishly after just several cycles, you are considered "advance") to take over 100mg+ of Anadrol a day, 1 gram of test a week, some EQ, some Winny, and even some HGH, IGF, and all kinds of compounds stacked into 1 giant cycle. The false mindset of the majority, and by majority I mean a rough estimation of at least 95%, most likely 98% to 100%, is what is going to get them stuck at the sticking point...saturating the receptors of the body with these compounds, steroids will no longer become effective, and the health detrimental effects will always outweigh the positive at this point. And what I mean by the false mindset of the majority, is that steroids will get you that freaky body you've dreamed of...this is the great lie...that is going to keep a lot of these bros stuck at a certain level and never beyond. Don't believe a damn word I say, SEE FOR YOURSELF. Go on the member's pictures section and browse through all of the pictures. See what I am talking about...and if you disagree with me, I respectfully urge you to go fishing for the pictures of the freakiest of the freakiest members here on, and post it RIGHT HERE on this forum, and we will compare it to the pro's, to prove me wrong. And by freaky pictures I mean densely muscular, ripped, and huge, compared to that of the pros. The mind is the most important muscle, and the ability to withstand ENORMOUS physical and mental pain must be present in the pro's mindset to even "think" about winning. It is a standard of all pros to have this ability. Look at Greg Kovacs, after several heart attacks and a multitude of health problems, he is STILL GOING STRONG! And what do you guys do? Well according to the thread
    ALL OF YOU Critize him for that gut, or for having small looking legs, or just for being plain ol' ugly. Nobody recognizes the WILL OF IRON that Greg Kovacs possess, his ability to keep getting up and charging the bullets, withstanding immense pressure. You all just dont recongize the POWER OF HIS MIND, the MOST IMPORTANT MUSCLE, you only recongnize the physical consequences of his MIND AND WILL. You should admire Greg Kovacs like no other bodybuilder, for his MIND and WILL...he will not stop, no matter what, at all costs to have the body he wants, for bodybuilding and muscles and strength ARE HIS IDENTITY. Without this, he is dead, so he is just keeping himself alive, by pumping the force of life into him; MUSCLES, STRENGTH, AND POWER! I am sure that if any of you guys had a heart attack, you would stop doing steroids, and possibly even stop lifting for a while...this is the clear dinstinction that distances the line between you and the professionals...this is one of the many, many reasons why the majority of you guys will never become pros. I am sure that a lot will be offended by my post, partially based on self-ignorance. Most people dont want to believe this as the truth, but if you ever do want to be a pro, you got to understand that you will have to be EXTREMLY BRUTAL on yourself.......those of you who disagree with me, please explain to my why my reasoning is wrong, and explain what your perception of the "truth" is, for what it TAKES to be a PRO.
    Last edited by The_Greatest_Will; 05-10-2006 at 11:47 AM.

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