hey bros let me start with my stats then ask you my question im 6'1 212 pounds myabe areioung 13% bpdyfat i am about to do a a cycle of tesat e 600mg for 12 week tren e 400mg for 10 weeks and i wants to throw var in for the last 6-8 weeks right up until pct i have 200 20mg pills of var this is my 4th cycle last was sust 500 a week 300 deca a week week 1-4 40mg dbol. i play fball so i train 6x a week and run everyday at least 30 min sumtimes 3x a wek for an hour or so my diet is so so i have one of those campus diet buffet things so i can eat when ever so i eat a lot basically nothing fatty and lots of meat and potatoes my question here is i heard that tren and var is not a good combination because the tren is more anabolic than the var and wont see results from the var is this true or not bc i don want to be waistin my money is was either gunna do the for week 1-4 and the last 4 week of just the last 6-8 or do you have a better idea than var? thanks for the help bros