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Thread: I've been a little busy.....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    I've been a little busy.....

    I've been a little busy......

    My wife scheduled me for a Daddy Boot Camp class on Saturday June 10th. My plan had been to go to the class, then on to work for a little bit, however my wife wanted to go with me, to update the baby registry.

    After the class was over my wife walked over and sat with me, and was complaining of a pain low in her stomach. She said she knew it wasn't labor pains. However around 5 min later she had another pain, and then again 5 min later another. At that point she just wanted to go home, which we did.

    Upon arriving at home, she went to the bathroom and her water broke. I was freaking out seeing as the little bugger was 2 weeks early and we had not prepared a bag to take to the hospital yet. I hurried throughout the house and got what I thought we would need, and we headed to the hospital. My wife gave birth to our son, Saturday June 10th by cesarian, he weighed 6lb 13oz.

    He's 3 weeks old now and I've feel like I've been throught the wringer. I've been pissed on, threw up on, and averaged around 5 hours a night sleep.

    But through it all, I am the happiest man alive.

    I hope everyone is doing well,


    He's already working on his form....
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