I just ordered my first cycle of HGH, It's been a while since I visited the Boards and decided to do some more reading on dosages today,, But now I'm reading of people not seeing any results from HGH and some seeing great results from it.. Do I need to take something else with the HGH ,or do I take it alone....Do I take 2iu's or 10 a day, or every other day...

Please help my ignorance, I don't want to waste the HGH by not using it correctly..I'm looking to mostly lose the BF and tighten up...

I was going to do a Winnie /Test stack that someone recommended me to do, But I have a short Temper now and don't want to chance the side affect of Rage.Or is that a bunch of misunderstanding too....

Sorry for buggin with this,But I want to make sure I'm on the right path..

Thank You