Can anyone hepl me with this.. I was out drinking one night with a friend.. I got a little drunk so mt friend offered to drive me home.. Well on the way home the car ran out of gas. My friends did not see that the car need gas. So we pushed the car to the side of the rode. We kinda get into a fight bc my car is vrand new and I was mad that the car ran out of gas. So we called a cab and left. I was sitting in the car waiting 4 someone to bring me gas when a cop pulled behined me and stared asking what was going on.. tild him what happend and he asked me to stepp out of the car.. He starts doing field test on me and took me into the station and busted me 4 DUI.. I dont understan why I was busted 4 that.. I was not driving.. The car was not drivable.. Does anyone have any advices.. Thank you