As some of you know, I was diagnosed with low test a couple of years ago. Well, I have been living with it - I was still able to "perform" and was retaining muscle so my doc, the endo, and I decided that HRT would be hasty given my age (30 at the time, 31 now). There was also a theory put forward by the endo that my low test was somehow connected to my naturally low SHBG - because SHBG was low my body required less free test to operate.
I have noticed over the last few months that my sex drive has been decreasing. Two weeks ago it reached a point where I no longer think about sex at all. I never have random or morning wood and last time my wife and I tried to get something going it took all my will power to acheive an erection and it was about 85% of a normal one.
I have an appointment with my doc on Monday. I will probably end up with another blood test and if that shows what I think it will then I will likely end up on TRT. I wanted to avoid TRT. I do not mind exogeneous testbut the thought of being on a medication for the remainder of my life is not appealling at age 31.
Besides the theory regarding SHBG levels, the other suggestion was that I have a small micronoma on my pituitary gland. This was suggested because my prolactin levels are elevated. A CT scan did not show anything, but it would not show anything under 3mm. I am afraid that the bloodtest next week is going to show further elevation and the micronoma is growing. But, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Anyone else in their early 30's on TRT? What is the level of Test they shoot for? My doc mentioned cream or patches....which is the desired option if things go that route?