I'm almost out of aromasin coming up to week 3, running it at 25mg ed. Do you think i need another bottle or is that long enough from the cycle i ran?
1-12 Test E 500mg
3-11 tren a 75mg ed
7-12 mast prop 75 ed
9-12 hcg 250ius e3d
12-14 hcg 500iu eod
14-18 nolv 20mg ed (first week did 40mg)
14-17 aromasin 25mg ed (do i need to go longer?)
14-18 bsn axis ht (test booster) this stuff diff works, can feel my sex drive way more!
I'm 4 more days away from week 17!
and haven't lost any gains or strength, which was really surprising.
Also taking cellmass and no2 explode, to help recovery!