I am just finishing up my first ever cycle of D-bol and I can't be happier with the huge gains in strength and bulk muscle I have made. My only problem is just the other morning I was admiring my "new" muscles in the mirror (first time I have ever felt confident about my muscular appearence so I am a bit vain) and I noticed on the base of both my arms just above my arm pits that I have stretch marks. They are very small and hard to notice and span no longer then an inch and a half but they are there. Is that normal? Now I know this is one of those things that I am probably the only person that is ever going to notice, but I have a big vacation planned in 2 months to Cancun and I am just wondering if there is any way I can get rid of them or at least a way I can prevent from getting them in the future. I have around 8-10% bf right now and I tan regularly, please let me know what you think