Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
Ehh...at least when Logan13 and I would have debates he behaved like a respectful adult, and not a 9 year old at recess pointing his finger and shouting insults. Oh well, enough of this nonsense, I'm gonna get carpel tunnel if I have to type anymore long winded reply's. I'm going to go make travel arrangements to move to Australia, I want to live some place with a much higher standard of living and a far superior political system than the US. Later!
now that you mention it, actually you're right! we do have a higher standard of living. less poverty, lower unemployment, higher home ownership, higher wages, better public healthcare, standardized education, less murders and gun violence and we haven't started a war with another country ever! come on down, but you might wanna check that big mouth of yours before you get here, you might not last too long ranting and raving like you do.