So I am about to run a 6 month long GH cycle as mentioned in previous posts. My situation is that around mid way through month five I will be attending a training program for my company in LA. Well I am on TRT so I know I will have to travel with my test e and syringes for that purpose. I will have ended my cycle that i will be running concurrently with my GH so the only other thing I will need is a few bottles of my GH (little guys) and a few slin pins.

First question is how in the hell do i prove that the test i have is prescribed and what is the deal with taking that on the plane? I dont have a prescription in hand as you have to turn that into the pharm when you pick up your stuff. I guess I do have the box with my name on it but what if i did throw that away?

Second. Since I am carrying the test on the plane regardless, would a couple other little bottles be a problem? I am assuming yes so do you think it would be a problem to just ship that in a box with some papers to the hotel I am staying at saying i have impt docs i didnt want to lose on the plane?

Third, if it would be ill advised to do either, as i certainly wouldnt want to risk losing my job over a few IU's of GH a day for two weeks, how bad would it affect my gh cycle to miss two weeks towards the end? I will be ramping down at that point just in case that makes a difference.

Thanks a lot ahead of time for your responces.