Hi there,

I've been training Muay Thai for the past year, and am really trying to get my fitness to that next level. I train 4-5 times a week (5 times if I'm training for a fight), and the training is basically set out like this, in the following order:

Run for 30 minutes
Skip for 10 minutes
Shadow Box for 2 rounds, Pushups between rounds
Pads (sometimes 3 x 3 min, 4x2 min, 5x2 min, 5x3 min, 2x5 min, and occasionally 1 x 10 min rounds)
Sparring (usually 4 x 3 min rounds)
10 minutes grapple/clinch
Core work (situps etc)

All up one training session takes about 2 hours.

So I'm looking for information on supplements that can help improve my aerobic capacity/fitness long term.

I realise Carbohydrates are good for energy, but I was thinking more of a permanent lasting aid to the body as opposed to just a once off "energy food" suggestion. Is there a supplement out there that can help aid me in my quest for greater aerobic endurance?