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Thread: What should I do?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs

    Exclamation What should I do?

    my dad is constantly bitching at me i mean, i know i have made mistakes i was locked up for two years and was supposed to do 6 more but he got me a good lawyer and now he's always naggin at me for eveyone little thing for example,I like to use 1 cup for the whole day and if i leave it out he just runs his mouth to me insisting i use as many as i need for how many times i drink in a day, same with bowls plates, i practically run the dish washer twice a day. Also i used to make great money but it was really risky, Not wanting to get into trouble i got a job at the gym making 8 bucks an hour and i get about 25 hours a week and i have a few clients whom i train i dont make the best money but i can manage to sneak by every month, Well today i traded one of my Cars that i liked but wasnt practical for me to own for a kinda beat up truck thats registered and passes smog in CA, also i get an additional 500 dollars next friday which i was going to pay rent with, But my Dad is like you a F-ing idiot cant belive u traded that car blah blah blah......what ever its my dam car and i dont even have my drivers liscense right now, Like C'mon.
    I like never get mad, ever, when i do no one can tell im like the Dolly Lama, but even though no one can tell(kinda why i did two years), I really am like and atomic bomb, but could be easily defused, i dont like being mad or angry. I just like to relax read my books, watch my DVD's, Lift my weights and eat my healthy food and occasionally have a drink with some girls.

    I am kind of just ranting on here but i need to vent i really dont have anyone to talk to but you guys-my locker room buddys and im honestly feeling better as i write this.

    I know i could help out around the house more, so i ask my dad what he wants me to do??? and he says take initiative blah blah blah sumthin sumthing
    so i like have no idea what he wants me to do. So i never end up doing what he wants because i have no idea what that is.

    I dunno im just really really.....REALLY...kinda mad, more so then mad im just in that like FTW mood and i really hate being like that, i hate going to bed mad, i'll probable watch a movie and then right b4 i go to bed he will say something straight sideways to me that makes me wanna just "Snap a Kittens neck" which i would never do i think its morally wrong to channel frustrations out on Animals, but that just how i feel.

    i dunno any input would be nice im just

    ps-i love my father and know he loves me but sometimes its just well.....u know........

    Last edited by Deltasaurus; 11-24-2008 at 10:25 PM.

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