
Im just finishing my 3rd week of hgh .
week 1 = 1 i.u.
week 2 = 1 1/2 i.u.
week 3 = 2 i.u.

Right before i started i had just got over a chest infection.. and was still coughing quite a bit.. anyway lately over the last week i have had discomfort when bending my neck.. i ve been getting pain down my spine and down my left arm and its not a muscle tear i can work out without discomfort but my left arm has lost strength.
before tricep kick backs 35 lb. 10-12
Now 25 lb. 6-8

i'm bugging out has anybody had anything like this when using HGh or is it Something totally unrelated .. I just went and had bloodwork done today and am considering going to see my friend who is a chiropractor..

PLease chime in if you have had anything or heard anything like this before