So long story short...I got some type of skin infection at the beginning of this year that ended up in the worst body acne I have ever seen in my life. So bad that my dermitologists jaw dropped when she saw me. Every inch of my body from the ass up is covered in enormous cyctic pimples. Even a month of accutane didnt just stopped the old ones from healing properly so they got me off that.
Then they put me on luck.
then they put me on corticosteroids...and it finally just stopped. took vicodin too.

My acne was so bad that I couldnt work out because my skin would stretch too much and cause all the scabs to just rip and fall off my skin. very painful.

So I went from 5' 9" 188lbs at 6%bf to 170lbs at 8%bf

I look like shit..and havent been this small in years. Worst of all the biggest party of my year is coming on sunday...and im a shrimp. Sucks ass.

I hate acne...cant wait until i get on accutane and cycle like a mad man during those 6 months.

on a side you guys think I can get some decent water weight/pump if I take dbol or drol until sunday? thats only 5 I doubt it.