Hi all. Well I never ever thought I would post my pic on here, but having lurked in the shadows for some time you seem like a really nice bunch, so here goes.
I was a competitive swimmer for many years but started lifting about 3 years ago, more seriously for the past 2 (I know it doesn't look like it from the pics but bear in mind I am naturally extremely slim.)
However for 2yrs I made only small gains until I up'd my calorie intake from 3000 to 3500 per day. I always make sure I am getting at least 1gm of protein per pound of bodyweight. I eat 5 times a day, trying to get good protein in each meal (turkey, chicken, tuna, cottage cheese) or a whey shake.
Since I started eating properly I've gone from 155lb, 16%bf to 168lbs, 12.5% bf .. pathetic by some of your standards I know but it's been consistent! I work out 4 times a week and I stick to pretty standard basic compound movements training each part once a week, usually going 3 weeks heavy then 1 week light.
Problem is I've been stuck at 168 for months now and not sure what to do. I was hoping to get up to at least 180 naturally before even thinking about a cycle but I'm thinking that's going to take another 2 years! I've tried eating even more (like 4000-4500 per day) but I'm an IBS sufferer and my colon just won't take that much.
Any advice?
Oh, great forum btw.