I have used Deca in 2007 really low amount. 50 mg for 8 weeks. The results were great. Gained up 8 Kgs. But didnt knew about PCT so they vanished. Later in 2008 Oct. I used

Test Ent; 250 Mg 8 weeks
Anapoloon: 25 mg in last 4 weeks.

Anapoloon helped good. But test ent didnt showed up much results.

I am going to use a 3rd cycle now. What I m planning is:

Deca 500 mg, Anapoloon 50 mg + Test Ent or sustanon. ( my brother sugggested using test ent and test cypionate instead of sustanon).

Now I am sure Deca and Anapoloon suit me quiet well. The only thing is I need to know a third one that suits me well. Test Ent didnt showed me good results. Do you think test cypionate + test ent together will make any difference. Or should I use sustanon instead of Test.