Well Bros,

Here it is, finally I started my DECA400/EQ300 cycle 1 shot a week for 9 weeks (thats all I had).

I know there have been lots of questions on this cycle so I figure I'll keep everyone informed from here in and try to get some pics at some point.

Understand I did not want to get huge I wanted to lose some BF and gain some nice lean mass. I wanted a beach body not Dorian Yates.

Well so far I have been able to get want I wanted I have lost substancial amounts of BF getting much leaner and most definetly getting some good size. Understand I have been training for 5 years natural? (1 oral cycle about a year or so ago and was about 195lbs @ 5'11 (34 yrs old). I have been eating super clean tons of protein very little carbs (slices of 12 grain bread a day) that's it. I train 5 days heavy as hell with 30 mins of light to heavy Cardio every day. I am already getting more vascular in the shoulders and arms. That abs are comming out and I am still 195lbs. I would think that in the next 4 week I will put on another 5-9lbs of mass. I have don't see any water retention that I can notice, but some friends at the gym have noticed the difference not the water retention Bros diet is the difference eat clean, train hard, chose the right gear for your needs. Goals are reachable!! I will keep everyone up to date on DECA 400/EQ 300 its been working for me!!
