Im 4 weeks into a Test E and Deca cycle, would it screw anything up to switch to Test Cyp right now for the remainder of the cycle. Dont they have near identical profiles? Would I have to worry about the Cyp building up, or will it just take over where the Ethenate left off keeping blood levels even?

Like a dumb ass, I didnt get all of my E before I started, now my guy is having issues getting it, but he has the Cyp on hand. I know thats a dumb ass move not having all of my gear prior to starting, but this guy has always had it on hand for years. Live and learn.

I can wait until Sunday,. at which time I will be behind schedule, or go with the Cyp now.

My last hit was last Friday. I was on a Friday/ Tuesday schedule. So I already missed Tuesday, now I would be pushing Friday off until Sunday...only a few more days.

Help a brotha out!!