Wolf Guest Posing

After the 2010 Mr Olympia at Dennys w/ Roelly and Ronnie

Heath after party with his wife.

Makes me want to buy one, he pulls it off way better than Alan from The Hangover.

Oh man... please read this story I found elsewhere. It's a must read:

"Here's the story...

Since the past couple months, I've wanted to prank Kai Greene by taking a picture with him while holding a grapefruit. Ideally an autographed grapefruit would have been totally awesome, but I didn't think he'd go for that. So..

I flew to Vegas with my friends for the Mr. Olympia weekend, and during our dinner buffet I asked for a grapefruit from the kitchen. A few hours later was the "Meet the Pros" event where fans can meet & take pictures with IFBB pros. Once I entered the venue, I immediately went to Kai Greene's line while having the grapefruit in my pocket. After waiting in a verrrry long line for 2 hours, I texted my friends to come take the picture for me with Kai.

I shook Kai's hand, and held him with my left arm while pulling the grapefruit from my right pocket. The crowd surrounding us & his personal security were surprised and shocked when they saw the grapefruit, but Kai had no idea I was holding it. Here it is:

After that, I quickly walked away with my friend trying to get away from the scene ASAP. But, it just so happened that I walked through one of his security guards, and I got punched 4 times in the hips while trying to get away. The last I heard was "we'll be keeping an eye on you" while I frolicked to Jay Cutler's line...


I had a grapefruit
I took a picture with Kai while holding the grapefruit
I got pwned

The end."

LOL^^^ Epic Fail but funny nonetheless. It takes balls to take a photo with Kai and a grapefruit in your hand.

A few ones from Frank: