Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum, I gotta say this place rocks!

I'm new to the whole anabolic steroids thing, but I started about a month ago with a few types of steroids and didn't see any changes what-so-ever! I think it came down to the fact my diet wasn't correct, I wasn't eating enough.

I currently just started a cycle of Tren, Winni and Sust by Media Star Labs. I'm taking a ML of everything plus 500 mg a day of winni.

I'm 28, 5"11 and 195lbs. I have a very scrony physique with with a "beer-belly-like" stomach and I'm trying really hard to gain mass, not crazy bodybuilder mass - but not be looked at as "scrony" anymore. I want to be wider and muscular, if that makes any sense..haha.

I was wondering if you guys can please help me with a diet plan? I have no idea how many calories I should be comsuming to achieve my goal. I really need a diet plan that I can follow closely so I can achieve my goals. I truly believe that is the reason I haven't seen any physical changes with being on roids.

Thanks you guys.

Your help would be much apprecated.

