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Thread: HGH SubQ vs. IM

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    20000 Leagues Under The C

    HGH SubQ vs. IM // AM vs. PM Administration

    Greets All: Coming off a Test Deca Cycle and will be starting a 4 to 6 month HGH Cycle. This is all Dr proscribed due to my job requirements. In any case, that’s another discussion. I have done HGH before (about 4 years ago) with good results, and my questions are:

    Sub Q vs. IM pin &
    twice per day pin

    Now I have read all the great posts on this, including the excellent article written by Red Barron (where r u RB??) and am in need of something a bit more recent. My Doc says that the newest thinking is IM pin for HGH, so does anyone have any recent thinking on the subject? I have read the 2007 study Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of GH: dependence on route and dosage of administration, and it clearly goes with IM (I think, need a scientist to translate) but as I read posts here from the vets it seems to still point to subq, however, these are old post!! Can someone point me to newer ones or give an opinion?

    Also, Doc is saying don’t listen to the “don’t do the nighttime pin stuff, I’m a doc and i know better”. Yeah, heard that before, again he says this is new data and that "we" learn new things about this every day. Any help most appreciated in advance.

    Plan is for 1.5 to 2.0 ius to start, twice daily, see how its tolerated and go from there. 49 y/o, 200 lb male, teens bf%, 5 day early am heavy workout.
    Last edited by DeepDiver; 03-17-2011 at 06:51 AM. Reason: Add Hyperlink to Study

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