Hello i am very interested in doing a cycle but I really want to avoid most of the side effects as much as possible, mainly just gyno (actually just gyno, acne is no big deal lol). Now i know if you cycle and do your PCT correctly you shouldn't worry about it that much but i rather avoid gyno completely and get only so-so results.
Thats why i want to start my first cycle doing Anavar, but i was also thinking of taking novladex as well as HCG during my whole cycle then nolv and clomid for pct?
Also if i do this and you guys think it would be unlikely if not impossible for me to get gyno while taking nolvadex during my anavar cycle, if i should also stack Test-e with anavar for better results?
height: 5'11
weight: 174
Bf% : 10%
Training experience : about 8 years, diet is rock solid as well.
Cycle experience: Zero