Was out of the gym for a little while (you know, life 'n all that).

Running a simple cycle to help with my strength.

60mg OTbol pd - already [LIST][*]significant strength difference(s), which is great.
[*]Put on 5pds, while being on a clean/low carb diet (for 6 out of 7 days a week).
[*]I've run this "cycle" many times, for quick starts into the summer - but I have never buttoned down what is needed for PCT.

(Nolva)Many people say nothing is needed, some say 20mg for 28 days, some say 40 for 1 week, 2 for 1 week & you should be good.

Been doing some reading on Clomid, though I have never taken it, I wonder if this could be considered as well?

..Typically, when I run a test base cycle, Nolva is always my PCT of choice, with Adex on hand (in case it's needed).

What do you think about a mini PCT being needed on Tbol @ 60mg?