Hey guys just looking for some opinions on my next cycle and some advice for pct...

26 years old (training for over 6 years)
This will be my 3rd cycle , the previous two just test and winny
6'2 , 218 lbs , 13 % BF
My goal is to put on 15-20 lbs lean muscle

Week 1-14 - Test Cyp @ 600 mg PW (300mg twice a week)
Week 1-6 - T-Bol @ 60mg ED week 1-3 , 70mg ED week 4-6
Week 9-14 - Anavar @ 70mg ED

Also : run Arimidex @ .25 EOD from start of cycle until end of PCT
I will take the 3 weeks between Tbol and Var to give my liver a little rest (I will also take milk thistle throughout cycle)

I plan on starting PCT 3 weeks after last pin , and I would like to use HCG this cycle (never have used it before)

What'd you recommend for PCT ? When to begin HCG and @ what dosage ?
I plan on running the clomid all 4 weeks of PCT what dosage do you recommend? And should I add Nolva as well?

How does this cycle look otherwise ? Please give me input on PCT because I dont want to begin cycle until I have all my PCT gear on hand.

Thanks looking forward to hearing some expertise!