hi guys so im lookininto startin my 1st evr cycle.current stats r 35 yr old, 235,10-11% bf.been using hgh 4ius ed last 4 mos (create some new cells n lean out a bit) so my 1st cycle looks like this and would appreicate some advice .was thinkin about timing it right into n amatuer show i would like to try later this year.thx guys

gonna b a 22 wk slingshot cycle followed by a full pct aft
(1st part will b only test to see how i react to it)

reload wk 1-8 500 mg test e (250 mon 250 thurs)
deload wk 9-10 250 mg test e
reload wk 11-20 500 test e (250 mon 250 thurs) wanna cut out test 2 wks b4show
wk 11-22 60 mg anavar daily
wk 11-22 50 mg proviron daily
wk 18-22 100 mg winnie oral daily
thn full pct nolva ,clomid ,hcg

i was gonna have nolva on hand to throw in in case of gyno at anytime throught the whole cycle.i have read tht dex kills ur sex drive and is hrder on ur system and was just gonna save it for last cpl wks to really dry up.i also heard proviron +nolva wrk great for contoliing estro sides in thtb they attack it from all angles but nolva also lets some estro floating around in which we need to stay healthy.

any advice greatly appreciated thx guys