Lets say I've been on 750mg Test E for 8 weeks. At this point Test levels have peaked and I'm taking advantage of all 750mg of test subtracted by the ester weight. Now lets say I switch from 750mg Test E to 750mg Sustanon on week 9. Is this the same as starting a fresh cycle?
What I mean to say is at this time its been a week without pinning test e, so its half life is down from 750mg to 375mg. So when I make the switch from the Test E to sust, is it almost like starting a fresh cycle? is it gonna take me 3-4 weeks for me to feel the effect of the sust because it has test in different esters? or is it is it gonna have the same effect of as if I stayed on Test E.
I know sust has prop and other faster acting tests in it, I just wanna know will it take 3-4 weeks to peak because of the different esters?
In theory would it make sense for my sex drive to drop 2-3 weeks if I switch to sust from e?